Cuphead: a tribute to the golden age of animation – Game Review #4


Ahhh, how good does it feel to get your hands back on a good old run and gun game? Cuphead could be crowned as a masterpiece of the genre, first for its amazing retro designs, heavily inspired by 1930s cartoons and its no-articulation characters, and also its incredible gameplay, where even the most experienced gamer […]

Coming next: Game Connection (01-03/11)

Game Connection

Paris is always a good idea, especially when the Game Connection is there. We are delighted to confirm our participation to the GameConnection in Paris, from 1st to 3rd of November. Earlier this year, we exhibited at the North-American edition in San Francisco; we are now heading to Europe to attend our last videogames event […]

Sekg attended the gamescom!


The greatest gaming event of Europe, the gamescom, took place in Cologne, Germany, last week and we were given the opportunity to attend. Three days of intense work led us to meet very interesting people and amazing games! A few months after attending startup and gaming events such as the 4YFN in Barcelona or the […]

Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood, our test – Game Review #3

[sg_popup id=”50″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup]Four years after its successful facelift handled by Naoki Yoshida, Final Fantasy XIV still attracts and absorbs players looking to explore new adventures in a realm of chocobos. After witnessing the ruthless war between humans and dragons in Heavensward, it is now time to welcome the latest extension to date: Stormblood. Form the […]

Why biometrics is the next level of game analytics

game testing

[sg_popup id=”2″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup]Recently, SEKG was invited to give a contribution to the American media Gamesauce regarding the use of biometrics in the videogame industry. This is the re-post of the original article. Video games certainly have evolved over the years and are different from one to another. However, there is one thing they have in […]

Understanding Gamer Psychology: Why Do People Play Games?

Games have been played for a long, long time now. Remember those countless hours we spent playing Pacman on the arcades or playing Pokemon on our Gameboy Colors as children? For sure we do . While a lot of research has been done concerning the possible negative health effects of video gaming, it is not often […]